Sunday, July 20, 2008

Batman The Dark Knight


I went to see Batman The Dark Knight the other day. This is the best action / superhero movie I have ever seen. The film is terrific, chilling with lots of twists and superb acting. I don't know Heath Ledger and honestly I have never seen his acting before, but his performance in The Dark Knight is extraordinary.

This is not just an action movie with good acting, good sound effects and exciting fight scenes, the plots and storyline are also well written. Strangely, when I was seeing the movie, when the people in Gotham was so afraid of the Joker that they wanted to turn in Batman so the Joker would stop the killing, I thought of HK people. Batman is the hero and Joker is the villain, but out of fear, people lost their sense of right and wrong, they put the blame on the hero so as not to anger the villain. Why would I think of HK people? It is because we are the same. Sometimes, we know that the Beijing government is doing something bad, but out of fear, we don't want to say anything to anger them. We are afraid to be punished and worse still, we would rather turn against those who dare to speak out fearing that their action will drag us into troubles.

Are all people selfish and corruptible? When the good D.A., the white knight, turned into a villain himself, the people of Gotham showed that they were ready to sacrifice themselves instead of killing innocent people, and Batman took the blame of Harvey's wrongdoings in order to restore hope and faith to the city. The movie ended when Batman was chased by a manhunt. He does not want to be a hero but a dark knight guarding the city.

I have seen many Chinese movies lately. All of these movies were starred by popular movie stars, they invested million dollars to produce the fight scenes, glamorous costumes and visual effects but they all carried distorted messages that some people had to be sacrificed for the "greater good" or you needed to be cunning and cruel in order to win the political games. The Dark Knight is such a refreshing film, it shows that you can only choose to sacrifice yourself but not the others for the good you believe in. In face of the dark force, people may become lost for a moment, but their conscience will eventually override their fear.

I have heard that The Dark Knight will not be shown in China because the film is too dark. I hope this is not true and the mainland Chinese have the chance to see the film. This "dark" film has its bright side and good messages which are often missing in those Chinese productions.